Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Poem 2: The Flame

A flame as I observe here intensively,
Gives me the impression that it is tearing a small gap into this plane,
To say to us there is a bright light,
Only that you must learn to tame,

-Dance, dance- 

oh how the flame celebrates,
It is always illusive yet rising prominently,
Because energy is endless yet mysteriously limiting,
If a fire consumes too much, the whole world could burn,
The key to preserve life is to  balance the flame,
Powerful enough to light the way; strong enough to recognize a slight fade...

And if memories do serve as a promise,
Allow them to promise your future as a whole,
For when a candle is blown out,
The dance will never end

**This poem belongs to Greg and first appeared in the 'Ideas Are Bulletproof' blog. Do not reproduce this poem without permission and proper citation. **

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