Friday, July 22, 2016

News: Entertainment Star and King Troll Alex Jones Cries Wolf

   Alex Jones, who is the host of the Alex Jones radio show and the founder of the online "news" website Info Wars decided it would be a brilliant plan to go to the Young Turks media set at the RNC during a live recording and cause trouble. After Jones arrived at the TYT set and began harassing the crew, tempers began to flare. The entire confrontation almost caused a physical fight between Cenk Uygur and Alex Jones himself. There are two perspectives of the ordeal, below is the TYT version and the Alex Jones version. It is abundantly clear who is the aggressor here and who was mostly in the wrong. Even after the blatant evidence that he is a buffoon, AJ insists that he is the victim and has not apologized for the incident.

This one below from Alex Jone's perspective. Notice who he says in the video title that TYT "flipped out" on them (which is true) but conveniently keeps out the fact that at no time was Alex Jones, Roger Stone or his self-parody crew invited to the set.

Here below we see a shorter version of the same thing. Again, make up your own mind about this, but even if you despise TYT (I'm not a big fan) and disagree with everything they say, you can't honestly say that Alex was doing a noble thing here.*


*Many Alex Jones parrots seem to think that this is somehow TYT's fault. To be fair, it's not like AJ "Infowarriors" are keen on logic or reasoning skills (at least the name is pretty cool.)

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